Ritchie Rowing Compass

Ritchie Rowing Compass
This is a reverse card rowing compass, made by world famous Ritchie. It mounts in front of the rower and shows the course the boat is traveling which helps you row in a straight line.
Price includes $10.00 shipping .
I am now both a retailer and the Wholesale Distributor for the Ritchie Rowing Compass. If you are interested in buying compasses for resale, please contact me at walter@oldwharf.com or call 508-349-2383.
CourseMinder Movable Bezel with Heading Memory Indicator remembers the way... so you don't have to!
2¾ Direct-Reading Dial
Low Mounted Height 2¾ inches
Surface Mount
Extended Temperature Operating Range with Composite Construction and Diaphragm
Exclusive DirectiveForce Magnets
Hardened Steel Pivot and Sapphire Jewel Movement
No Wiring or Power Needed
Twist On/Off for Easy Removal
Exclusive 5-Year Ritchie Warranty