Small boats to get to your big boat, or just for fun.
This is an update to the info I posted a little while ago on the home page. I am listing here on this page some designs for prams, skiffs, and light weight boats. So here are few suggestions of boats that I would like to build for you - some are kit boats, some scratch built. Also see the 2 designs below. Plans and photos when I get the chance to post them.
1-The original Old Wharf Pram .
2-The Points East Pram,by Clint Chase. This pram is very similar to the John gardner pram I built out of the pages of National Fisherman about 40 years ago. I still have this pram, a great little boat.
3-PT 11 Nesting Dinghy or the Spear, non-nesting.
4- Various boats from kits cut by Hewes & Co., including Oonagh, and 11’ pram/tender suitable for oars, sail, or power.
5- Various ultralight designs from Geodesic Aerolite Boats, skin on frame boats from Gentry Custom Boats, and more.
I will post some more ideas when I have time, but if you have a small light boat you would like me to build for you, let me know.
Original 11' Asa Thompson Skiff.
10/4/17- Here are a couple more photos of the Asa Thompson Skiff, taken at the recent Wellfleet Rowing Rendezvous. The owner has taken good care of her. She rows very well- tracks straight, but turns very well also. A very nice design for a small, stable rowing vessel.

Some Info on the 12' Lobsterman's skiff.