Ideas and Possibilities
Here are some interesting boats I'd like to build for someone. I hope to add more boats, and comments in the future.
Another possibility is building a kit boat for you. I know many people are interested in various kit boats, but don't have the time or space or desire to build a kit. You just want to row, sail, paddle, or go fishing . I have the time, space, tools, and almost 40 years of boat building experience to build a kit for you. So call or email me to discuss kit possibilities.
Another Phil Bolger design, this one the final development of a shape Phil worked on for a number of years. Anyone looking for a nice 18' rough water skiff would not be disappointed.There is more info in Boat Design Quarterly #17.
Here's a very nice rowing design fromPhil Bolger. It's his interpretation of a Maine peapod, built simply of plywood. Apparently, Dynamite Payson asked Phil for a simple peapod that he could row standing up, like a traditional 'pod. This was Phil's answer.